Mental Health Month x Brisea Swim
May 12, 2021
I need another vacation. Anyone else? School and finals are kicking my ass, job hunting is not going as planned, and I’m just tired. Bri has been working her ass off at the salon and planning our next drops! You guys are going to go crazy over the new styles and colors we’ve been working with, I couldn’t be more excited to get the samples in.
Anyway, since it’s Mental Health Awareness month and I’ve been personally struggling with stress and anxiety a little extra recently, I thought I’d just write to you guys about mental health and stress relief. I’m also going to post some of my favorite Insta posts that include mantras, little quotes, comforting advice, ect.
**Disclaimer: I am no professional by any means. I have done research along with pairing that research with personal experiences and opinions**
First thing’s first, how are you? Are you checking in and being honest with yourself and how you’re feeling? Are you stressed? Are you happy? Are you taking care of your body? How are your relationships? Is something holding you back from being the real you? It is so important to check in with yourself and make sure you act on things that are bringing negativity into your life. Mend problems. Don’t let yourself crumble due to unpleasant emotions, but rather embrace them and focus on mending what is hurting you. Talk to someone, anyone. It is okay to not be okay, just don’t let it destroy you.
If anyone needs a stranger to talk to, feel free to reach out to me. My social media handles are all: @alexiskneipp and I’m here to be a helping hand to anyone who is afraid to open up to their loved ones. Trust me I get it, and sometimes I think it’s easier to talk to a stranger than it is to express to someone close to you.
Some things to do when feeling stressed or anxious:
- Go outside. Get some fresh air. Lay in the sun; sunlight causes your brain to release a hormone called serotonin which boosts your mood and can give you a sense of focus and calmness.
- Listen to your favorite music, or even discover some new songs or artists.
- Exercise. I always feel a little better after the gym, even if it’s a short workout.
- Try yoga or zumba classes if a normal gym workout isn’t your speed
- Start a new project that will be fun instead of stressful.
- Draw, paint, ect. Get an adult coloring book; if you’re anything like me I prefer the coloring books made of curse words. Oops.
- Try out natural CBD.
- Fix your eating habits if needed. Or indulge in your favorite food; either will suffice.
- Try cooking or baking new recipes.
- Meditate.
- Read a good book.
- Talk to friends and family.
- Talk to a professional if you want, no problem is too small to ask for help.
Some apps to help with stress and anxiety:
- WorryTree (process and challenge your fears)
- Fabulous (daily motivation and habit tracking)
- Headspace (guided meditation)
- Sleepcycle (tracks your sleep and stages of sleep)
- Betterme
- Mealboard (decides recipes for you based on what's in your fridge)
- Sayana (checks up on you daily and discusses ways to cope)
- Breathe2Relax (breathing techniques)
- AllTrails (finds trails nearby you)
- Youper (mental health assistant)
- B-Safe (so you don't have to walk alone)
- MoodTools (self-help app that targets depression)

Love love love this! So important to put yourself and mental health first! I’m so good to know others have the same struggles as me 🤍
love this content! thank you so much for sharing about your struggles as well. it’s comforting to know that others have bad days as well. it gets better!